The Launch Pad Series is targeted at the students who are in Professional Institutions, and are getting ready to take their first step into a career in the corporate world.

Employers look for a set of skills in the recruit. Among them, the technical skills are covered extensively in the institutions. Given any challenge, most of the students will be able to handle them competently, as long as they require the technical skills learnt in their institutions.

Unfortunately, technical skills happen to be just one among the various skills that decide whether the recruits bags their first career opening. Most of these other essential skills are not covered in most of the professional institutions.

Employability Skills that employers look for can be broadly classified as :

  • Skills and knowledge specific to an industry or field of work

  • Skills & Capabilities relevant to all jobs and industries

  • Personal Attributes

Industry specific skills could include Technical Skills, Technical Qualifications & Vocational Skills (Industry Specific) like Programming Skills, Business Analyst Skills, Accounting Skills etc.

Skills & Competencies relevant to all jobs & industries include Communication Skills, Leadership, Teamwork, Analytical Skills, Problem Solving, Planning, Organizing, Self Management, Creative Thinking, Processing Data & exposure to Information Technology.

Personal Attributes covers areas like Persistence, Common Sense, Sense of Humor, Honesty and Integrity, Commitment, Motivated, Loyalty, Professional Presentation, Enthusiasm, Hard-working, Reliability, Positive Self Esteem, Adaptability, Ability to deal with Pressure etc.

The Launch Pad Series tries to cover this gap in the students, so that they are ready to crack the interviews and step into the corporate world. There are 4 programs in the series, and they are to be done in continuum to get the full benefit.

The four programs, ideally to be conducted in continuum for full benefit, are :

  1. "SELF DEVELOPMENT" (Launch Pad I - 5 Days) covering Organizing Skills, Perception Management & Critical & Creative Thinking; 

  2. "THE MEDIUM" (Launch Pad II - 5 Days) covering complete Communication Skills;

  3. "DEALING WITH OTHERS" (Launch Pad III - 5 Days) covering Team Work & Organizational Skills, Leadership Skills & Management Basics; and,

  4. "CAMPUS SELECTION" (Launch Pad IV - 6 Days) covering Corporate Etiquette, Group Discussion & Interview Preparation.


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In any organization, the top management would always prefer to have the most competent employees to manage and lead the organization to higher growth. This is not just true for the top management posts, but every level of the organizational hierarchy. Employees are given promotions to handle higher responsibilities and to take charge of teams to achieve this growth trajectory, based on their performance in their existing level.

In majority of such promotions, the promoted employee moves over from an executive role to a managerial role. The skill sets, that helped him/her to achieve the required high performance, suddenly changes, and as a manager, he/she requires a totally different skill set to perform in the new role. This is a typical "Hotspot", where and intervention is required to prepare them for their new role. They have to be exposed to these new skill sets, and it has to be done in such a way that these new promotees can experience how to use these skills and its effect, in a controlled environment.

The Accelerator Series aims to provide such interventions in an effective manner, so that these promotees are able to relate to the situations when they actually take over the new responsibilities. This series of Training Programs is focused on Corporate training, where employees need to be fine-tuned in the areas as required by the organization.

The Accelerator Series programs are of 3 days duration, and are generally "stretch" programs, where the participants will be stretched for time, activity, and tight schedule. Ideally the program starts with outdoor activities and games around 6:00 am, and run through the day till about 12:00 midnight. These programs are "Out-Bound Training" programs and follow the principles of "Experiential Learning". The methodology used here would be Games & Activities, where the learning are brought out through experience, Group Discussions, Movies etc. with a minimum of Power Point/Lecture sessions.

The Accelerator Series has 4 variations, focusing on four distinct areas where training interventions may be required. They are :

"Career Accelerator" program focuses on Personal Skills like Attitude, Perception Management, Emotional Intelligence, Critical & Creative Thinking, Design Sense, Innovation, Interpersonal Relationship, Time Management, Self Awareness & Assessment, Self Confidence etc.

"Management Accelerator" program aims to revisit the basic Management Principles of Strategic Thinking, Planning, Organizing, Controlling, Leading & Crisis Management required during implementation of the various projects/activities within the work environment.

"Leadership Accelerator" program tries to bring out the practical side of the theories of Leadership, and connect it to the situations the participants are expected to face in their new role. This program covers Leadership skills like Critical & Creative Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Facilitation & Training, along with Team Handling skills like Team Building, Interpersonal Relationship, Delegation, Performance Management & Motivation.

"Team Development Accelerator" program tries to focus on the various aspects of Team Dynamics, the process of Team Building & Development, understbring the personality types of the team members, and accordingly moulding one's behavior, along with ways to motivate a team. This program covers Team Development skills like Team Building, Team Development, Motivation, Personality Types, Management Styles, Communication Barriers etc..

"Sales Accelerator" program revisits the basic steps of Sales Process along with Advanced Selling Skills like using Behavioral Cues for Sales, Need Based Selling, Understanding Customer types to mould ones behavior to match it & Rapport building.

"Communication Accelerator" program covers the whole gamut of Communication Skills, and aims to help the participants be a better communicator, and more successful in his/her career.  This program covers Leadership skills like Active Listening, Body Language, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Story Telling, Use of Humor and the various Communication Barriers that can crop up.

Based on the Training Need Analysis, tailor made programs could be created specially for any corporate to achieve the required outcome, by mixing & matching the various modules available within the Booster Series.


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The Booster Series is like an ala-carte menu in a restaurant. This is the repository of the various training modules that we do. One can mix & match the various modules available here to create a tailor-made program, depending upon the Training Need that may exist.

Modules under the Booster Series are categorized under seven heads for easy identification of the various modules. They are :

"Personal Booster" are those skills and qualities that are expected to be available with any employee. They include Adaptability, Assertiveness, Design Sense, Emotional Intelligence, Empathy, Enthusiasm, Innovation, Persuasion & Time Management.

"Communication Booster" focuses on all aspects of communication that may be required in any corporate environment. They include Active Listening, Body Language, Humor, Interviewing, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling & Verbal Communication.

"Self Branding Booster" aims to develop the skill to manage perception about oneself, through various skills. Modules include Attitude, Perception Management, Personal Branding, Self Assessment, Self Awareness, Self Confidence & Self Leadership.

"Leadership Booster" package are those skills needed by any person who may be leading a team. Topics covered here include Creative Thinking, Crisis Management, Critical Thinking, Decision Making, Facilitation, Supervising, Training along with understanding what is Leadership and the various types of leadership. Special emphasis will be given to Situational Leadership.

"Team Work Booster" contains a list of skills required to develop performing teams. They are Coaching, Collaborating, Conflict Resolution, Delegation, Giving Feedback, Interpersonal Relationships, Mentoring, Motivation, Performance Management, Team Development & Team Building.

"Sales & Marketing Booster" contains a list of skills necessary to be successful in a Sales Career. Topics here are the basic stages of a Sales Process, Being an Assistant Buyer, Need Based Selling, Rapport Building, Objection Handling, Customer Service, Developing a Sales Funnel, Understanding Customer Types, Using Customer Behavioral Cues to close sales etc..

"Management Booster" lists out the various day-to-day management skills that are required in a corporate environment. They include Managing, Organizing, Planning, P-O-L-C & Supervising.

"Professional Booster" are skills and qualities that are needed to be successful in a professional environment. They are Business Ethics, Business Etiquette, Customer Service, Entrepreneurial Thinking, Knowledge Management, Negotiation, Networking, Problem Solving, Research & Scheduling.


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There are other ready-made programs available off the shelf, which are currently focused on Sales.

The focus of the currently available sales based programs are to impart Advanced Selling Skills to those in the Sales Teams.

These programs are as follow :

  1. Customer Life Cycle Value

  2. Advanced Selling through Behavioral Cues

  3. The Power of Selling through Social Styles


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