Training Intervention


  1. Identify Training Needs through Training Need Analysis

  2. Understand the requirements from the point of view of the corporate stakeholders

  3. Conceptualize and create training package

  4. Check program fit with the Training Needs of the organization through discussion with Stakeholders

  5. Plan & Finalize training interventions

  6. Update all the stakeholders about the scheduled training intervention so that post-intervention hand holding of participants can happen in the actual work environment

  7. Deliver the training program as per schedule

  8. Post training, followup with all stakeholders regarding the implementation of the learnings in the work environment

  9. Plan any further intervention with participants, if required

Training Philosophy

Our "Training Philosphy" can be highlighted through the following two quotations :

"The ultimate goal of teaching is to make
the new seem familiar and the familiar seem new."

(Samuel Johnson)

"...quality is never an accident. It is the result of lofty intentions, persistent and sincere effort, knowledgeable self-direction and skilful application.

It reflects a series of intelligent choices among alternatives along the way."

(William Foster)

We are engaged in the business of Adult Training. We understand how Adults learn, and mould our training accordingly, so that the sessions result in maximum retention and acceptance, leading to fulfillment of the training objectives.

We believe that "Teaching is Dialogue", "Learning is Engagement", "Growth is Discovery" & "Knowledge is Application". If we inverse each of these statements, they still hold good, and also shows us "HOW" such a training should be conducted.

It is a fact that "Dialogue leads to Teaching/Training", "Engagement leads to Learning", "Discovery leads to Growth" & "Application leads to Knowledge". This is because Adults are different from children, and the way Adults learn is also different.

Some characteristics of Adult Learners are :

  1. Are Autonomous and Self-Directed

  2. Have a Foundation of Life Experiences and Knowledge

  3. Are Goal-Oriented

  4. Are Relevancy-Oriented

  5. Are Practical

  6. Need to be Shown Respect

Further, each Adult learns differently. They could be :

    1. Visual (learns by watching/seeing)

    2. Auditory (learns by listening/hearing)

    3. Kinaesthetic (learns by doing/experiencing)

    4. Verbal (learns through discussion)

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Each of the above characteristics of Adult Learners has implications for the trainer on what and how to do them. If we closely look at them...

  1. "Are Autonomous and Self-Directed"
    Training Implication:

      • Involve participants

      • Serve as facilitator

      • Determine interests of learners

  2. "Have a Foundation of Life Experiences and Knowledge"
    Training Implication:

      • Recognize expertise of participants

      • Encourage participants to share their experiences and knowledge

      • Consider every view-point to be correct, as they are based on their respective perspective

  3. "Are Goal-Oriented"
    Training Implication:

      • Be organized

      • Have clear objectives

      • Explain how training objectives relate to training activities

  4. "Are Relevancy-Oriented"
    Training Implication:

      • Show relevance of training to job

      • Explain how the training will help them be more successful

      • Demonstrate how skill sets change with every promotion & growth

  5. "Are Practical"
    Training Implication:

      • Learning has to be applicable to their work or other responsibilities

      • Focus on teaching practical skills/tools and methods

      • Giving opportunities to apply the knowledge, to practice skills and methods to solve the problem

  6. "Need to be Shown Respect"
    Training Implication:

      • Acknowledge the wealth of knowledge and experiences the participants bring to the training

      • Treat the participants as equals rather than subordinates

      • Allow the participants to voice their opinions freely in class

    Hence we believe that an effective trainer should have the following skills & Characteristics :

    1. Expertise (The power of knowledge and learning)

    2. Eloquence (The power of language and organization)

    3. Empathy (The power of understanding and consideration)

    4. Energy (The power of commitment and animation)

    5. Environmental Engineering (The power of managing the learning environment)

And we use various methods during our training sessions, to fulfill all these requirements. They could be :

  • Quiz

  • Lecture

  • Discovery Learning

  • Brainstorming

  • Demonstration

  • Group discussion

  • Role Plays

  • Activities & Games

  • Story Telling

  • Case Study

  • Audio/Video

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